Due to COVID-19 constraints we will not be running our Winter 2022 Indoor T-Ball program.
If you have already registered, you will be receiving an email about refunds.
Due to COVID-19 constraints we will not be running our Winter 2022 Indoor T-Ball program.
If you have already registered, you will be receiving an email about refunds.

indoor_t-ball_registration_2.pdf |
Indoor T-Ball Registration Form
Player's First and Last Name:
Date of Birth:
Male or Female:
Division #:
Parent's Name:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
I can coach or assistant coach the team (Name):
My player would like to play on the same team as:
Please print this form, complete it legibly, and then send it to the co-ordinator:
Natalie Arendt
Indoor T-Ball Co-ordinator
3052 Grant Road
Regina, SK S4S 5G7
Please include payment - $45.00 for the Winter Session and $45.00 for the Fall Session.
Cash or a cheque/money order payable to SZRB.
Please include the player's first and last name with payment.
Player's First and Last Name:
Date of Birth:
Male or Female:
Division #:
Parent's Name:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
I can coach or assistant coach the team (Name):
My player would like to play on the same team as:
Please print this form, complete it legibly, and then send it to the co-ordinator:
Natalie Arendt
Indoor T-Ball Co-ordinator
3052 Grant Road
Regina, SK S4S 5G7
Please include payment - $45.00 for the Winter Session and $45.00 for the Fall Session.
Cash or a cheque/money order payable to SZRB.
Please include the player's first and last name with payment.