Spring Outdoor T-Ball - Division 1
- Ages 2 - 3.
- Teams will play from 6:00pm—6:30pm or 6:30pm—7:00pm on Mondays and Wednesdays—schedule varies game to game.
- Uniforms consist of a numbered t-shirt and a personalized ball cap – which the player keeps. Players must supply their own ball glove and batting helmet and have them clearly labeled with their name. Players must wear helmets while running the bases.
- We ask for one volunteer coach per team and an assistant coach if possible. Each coach receives a binder that includes: Batting order and fielding positions for all games; a team roster (including contact information), a game schedule, and other pertinent information. Each coach is given an equipment bag and batting tee that they are required to bring to each game. Coaches and players should arrive 10 minutes early so that the game can start on time.
- Players, parents and fans should direct most inquiries to the T-Ball and Soft-Ball Co-ordinator, Natalie Arendt, by email: [email protected]
- Check the Daily Game Status Button found on the Outdoor T-Ball and SoftBall Home Page to find out if the games are cancelled. The Game Status is updated after 4:30 pm. Rule of thumb for canceling games—if there is a weather warning, or, if it has rained during the day to the extent that the fields will be extremely wet, then the games will be cancelled. Games are not cancelled because of temperature or wind.
- Late T-Ball Player registrations will be taken, but we cannot guarantee a spot on a specific team. Uniforms will not be purchased until payment in full is received. Remember, there are a maximum of 11 players per team, so please register early if you would like to be placed on a particular team.
- Check the Picture Link for time and place for uniform pickup and pictures.